Tuesday, 06 August 2019 01:20

Variety Bash 2019

Vater Hardware have been supporting the SA Variety Bash for over 25 years!

All kids deserve the same opportunities in life. No matter what life throws at them. Variety – the Children’s Charity helps children and their families with much-needed financial support for things like specialist equipment, therapy, and medical supplies, when they can’t afford it, and when government assistance isn’t available.

logo variety bash

The 2019 SA Variety Bash will be departing from Codan (Mawson Lakes) on Saturday 10 August and finishing eight days later on 17 August in Murray Bridge. On this year’s event, the entrants will be taken on numerous interesting tracks and through many private properties seeing parts of our countryside that many people would never have the opportunity to experience.

During the event there are various trophies awarded to encourage fundraising, fun themes, fun for the kids and overall fun… the ultimate winners of the Bash are the kids in need.